Webinar “Tourism studies in Slovenia”

In the webinar, we presented the European Pharmacy master programmes. The Pharmaceutical faculties provide excellent theoretical knowledge and professional practice in hospitals, pharmacies, etc. The modern learning approach and well-equipped facilities empower graduates to get their dream job in this field of healthcare. Europe has a unique combination of a modern, high-quality life connected to […]

Webinar ”Study Medicine in Europe”

We explained the benefits of studying Medicine in Europe. European Medical schools provide high-quality education with straightforward admission. The future student can enroll right after high school and take the entrance exam. The attractive tuition fees and lower living costs are just some of the benefits of studying in Europe. We also presented our service […]

Webinar »Advantages of studying in Europe«

With opening to new markets, 2TM has successfully organized and completed a webinar regarding studying or living in Europe. In the webinar, our colleagues have highlighted the essential aspects when considering studying abroad. Listeners have gained knowledge about the key benefits of the European educational system, the best study destinations, and which study programs we […]

The International Fair of Education »Guidelines«

Company 2TM will traditionally take part in the International Fair of Education »Guidelines«, which will be held on March 4-5, 2020 in Novi Sad, Serbia. Each year this international fair features about 500 educational institutions from Serbia and abroad and is attended by over 30 thousand guests, primarily the high school graduates, as well as […]

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